Happy New Year from Fuss Free Finance!
So, new year, new resolution, huh?
One of the most common resolutions we hear every year is, "I want to save more money." So today, we're going to share with you 3 ways you can save a little bit more money in 2019.
The first way that we found that was really effective in 2018 was that we would save every single $5 that we had.
Every time we went out, when we got change, we'll take just a $5, put it aside. Over time, we had an envelope full of $5. And guess what, after a year, we had almost $800 in $5. Now, that's an awesome way to just save some money.
The second way that we found that worked really well in 2018 was automatic savings.
In today's digital age, internet banking is really common. So what you have to do is for example, if you're paid on the first of every month, set up an instruction via internet banking to transfer a $100 on the second of the month out to another savings account. Now, you don't have to put in any effort in this and it just happens automatically every month. The next thing you know, by the end of the year, you've got a cool $1200 just to spend.
Now, the third way that you can save money in 2019 is a bit of a challenge. And I'm throwing out that challenge for all of you out there, all you have to do is just save $1 a day.
Sound simple? Here's the deal: save $1 a day for the first week, and then save $2 a day for the second week, $3 a day for the third week, and so on and so on.
Now you might think "Oh, that's too easy," or you might think "It's going to get really tough by the end of the year." But don't forget, you're increasing your ability to save throughout the year. So this tricks your brain into thinking, "Yeah, I can do it bit by bit by bit." Now, for those of you who think that you're not saving that much money, if you're doing $1 a day the first week, $2 a day in the second week, $3 a day in the third week, by the time you hit end of the year, you're doing $52 a day for the week, this is how much you save at the end of the year.
At the end of 2019, you'd have a cool $9646 in your bank account. Now, who wouldn't want an additional $9,000?
So these are the 3 ways you can use to save more money in 2019. Tell us, how else are you going to save money in 2019? Share with us in the comments below. Someone might just see it and you can help another person too!
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