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The $10k Test: Are you a Saver or Spender?

October 05, 20181 min read

What would you do if you had $10,000 right now?

FB 051018 - The $10k Test Are you a Saver or Spender - Fuss Free Finance.jpg

Some of you might be thinking, "Oh, I'll buy a new thing" or some of you might think, "I'll put it aside for a rainy day." Did you know that if you're a saver or a spender, it's really hard to change those habits? A saver is a saver and a spender is a spender. You can't change that.

So here's the thing: we have to try to hack our brains and make sure that we use our money in the best possible way. Right? Someone once told me "Oh, with a higher income comes a higher expense" but is that necessarily true?

Does high expenses naturally translate to a higher income?

Someone famous once said, "More money, more problems."

Comment below and let us know what you would do if you had $10,000 right now.

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