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Why Save Your Money

October 03, 20181 min read

Save, save, save save. People always tell you, "Save money. Save money. Save money." But nobody tells you why.

So let's start. What are some things you can think of that you need to save money for?


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For example, you could want to save for education. That's one. Whether you want to upgrade yourself, you want to get a certificate, you want to get another skill, or you maybe even send your kids to school, saving for education can be one of it.


What other things we think of? What about, very popular one, could be a house. When you are young, you're gonna buy a nice home for your would be wife, for your family.


You might even want to save for a house or once you've got a house, it implies you usually have a family. Sometimes you need a family car. Why not?


Start saving for family car and now you've got a family car, you've got a family house. You definitely want to plan a family holiday right?


So we have all these whys we want to save for but do we ever really write it down? Do we ever really think about it? Do we ever really feel and internalize that "Hey, there's a reason for me to save." Because how often had you been saving your money, saving money, saving money with no goal. no purpose and you look at it off. "I'll just spend it all." Right?

So have a goal, have a strategy how you can save, set a target and put aside some money every month, every year just to achieve that goal.

What are you currently saving up for? Share with us in the comments below!

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