
Welcome to our blog, your gateway to the realm of Islamic finance, wealth management, and beyond. Our mission is to equip you with invaluable insights, advice, and knowledge, enabling you to make well-informed financial choices in accordance with Islamic principles.

Why Should I Invest?

Why Should I Invest?

So you work hard, you earn your money, save your money, only to find out that "Hey, it's not enough,” or worse still, "It's worth less today than it was yesterday". Just one reason for you to invest t... ...more

Investment ,Personal Finance

October 29, 20192 min read

What Is Passive Investing

What Is Passive Investing

There are many kinds of investing and one of them is passive investing. You should remember that passive investing is different from passive income. ...more

Investment ,Personal Finance

October 14, 20193 min read

How To Get Started With Your Retirement

How To Get Started With Your Retirement

Retiring comfortably needs careful planning in the time when you're still earning. ...more

Independence ,Personal Finance &Retirement

September 04, 20192 min read

How To Plan Your Money For Retirement

How To Plan Your Money For Retirement

We all know that we need money for retirement. So, how do we plan the money we intend to spend for that intended time? ...more

Independence ,Personal Finance &Retirement

August 27, 20192 min read

How To Use Time To Plan Your Retirement

How To Use Time To Plan Your Retirement

Generally speaking, there are two main periods of time that you need to consider: before retirement and during retirement. But you can use time to your advantage. ...more

Independence ,Personal Finance &Retirement

June 25, 20193 min read

5 Reasons You Can't Retire

5 Reasons You Can't Retire

You are nearing retirement age but deep inside you know you still can't. ...more

Income ,Independence Personal Finance &Retirement

March 25, 20193 min read

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